March 31, 2025

Focus on The Family is responding to some of the worst news we have heard during my lifetime about aborting human life in the US.

Saturday, May 4, from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm

In the past few weeks, the State of New York has expanded the allowable time for an abortion to the point where Americans are facing legal infanticide. In other words, a baby can be left totally alone and left to die on the operating table at the point of birth or if an abortion is botched. This is the most extreme pro-abortion policy since the US Supreme Court Roe vs. Wade decision in 1973.

Additionally, the governor of Virginia recently openly endorsed infanticide. Along with New York and Virginia, now New Mexico and Vermont are considering laws allowing for very late-term abortions.

The Nation is Outraged

As discouraging as this sounds, here’s some good news. The nation is outraged! This constitutes extreme actions against defenseless newborns. President Trump, in his State of the Union address, said he would ask Congress to pass a bill protecting preborn babies from abortion. Also, a number of Senators are supporting national legislation that would require doctors to treat any newborn baby with the dignity of saving their lives rather than allowing them to die due to negligent care.

Focus on the Family is planning a historic event in New York City to counter the false narrative we are reading and hearing in the News Media. Abortion is not only about a woman’s right to her body. On Saturday, May 4, from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm there will be a rally on Times Square to support the protection of babies in the womb and who are recently born. This event is only 12 weeks away.

Action is Needed Now

There’s no time like now to support this effort to protect the human life of the unborn.

The event is called “Alive from NY.” It will include testimonies of women who survived their abortion, statements from pro-life Senators, and at the end of the Focus broadcast, a doctor will perform a live 4D ultrasound of a preborn baby. This will show the world that what is growing inside a womb isn’t a glob of cells but a unique person. And the Jumbotron on Times Square will show it all!

Amazing baby picture and videos of who is growing in the womb.

4D ultrasound is a wonderful tool. It shows the baby in three-dimensional detail and in real time video (the 4th D). It looks like a normal baby picture or video. It’s hard to imagine that after seeing such reality video that anyone could consider terminating a defenseless human being in the womb. If you have never seen a 4D ultrasound you’re in for an amazing experience.

Here are some resources to bring to your family and church as well as a few easy steps you can take to speak for and protect babies threatened by abortion.

click this image to go to Focus

You can read much more on the issues at Focus on the Family’s website. Click here or on the image.

Sign the Declaration

Click the image to read and sign the declaration.

Focus on the Family has composed a “Declaration for Life.” They are asking everyone to sign it and become a voice for the unborn. Click here to read and sign the declaration.

Make a Donation

Surprisingly, it takes only $60 on the average to save a baby from abortion through Pregnancy Resource Centers. In contrast, it costs a woman around $600 to terminate the baby’s life. Focus has obtained a $2 million dollar matching grant for this purpose. Just think, for every $60 you donate, 2 babies will be saved from abortion! That’s an incredible investment in the future of our country and for the glory of God. Click here to make a donation.

Attend the Event

There is room for only 10,000 to attend the actual event in New York City. So, if you want a free ticket order it soon. You can order them by clicking here.

For interviews, stories, and other resources for engaging the issues surrounding pro-life concerns, Focus is offering a downloadable Church kit. This resource will be available soon. Keep in touch with Focus to receive it.

A Pivotal Time

This is a pivotal time in the fight to save unborn human babies. And, it’s a moment where your voice counts. You can make a powerful impact on the future direction of legislation in America.

Tune in to watch “Alive from NY.” It will inform you on how to participate in the event. And, I encourage you to use your social media to inform others about this event.

I am praying for those beautiful little babies in the womb who are left out of the abortion decision process. You and I can speak effectively for them if we decide to never quit addressing this life-critical issue. We must stop the uncivilized act of induced abortion by bringing to the attention of the American public its atrocities. God bless you for your compassion on those who are most vulnerable in our society.

For additional resources click on the article “Human Life in the Womb.”


Photo attributions:, and Focus on the


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