February 22, 2025

To be read prayerfully as the family gathers before the Thanksgiving meal.

Almighty and gracious heavenly Father, we gather together to thank you for the manifold blessings you bestowed on us this year. Thank you for the fruits of the earth. Thank you for those who have labored to harvest them for us. Thank you for your providential grace as we enjoy shelter, health, and life’s provisions.

Thank you for helping us realize that what we truly need can only be found in desiring Jesus Christ above all things. Teach us what it means to glorify you. Help us to be most satisfied with you. Open our eyes to see the splendor of your majesty, to appreciate the beauty of your world, to wonder at the life you have given us, to rejoice in our salvation, and to marvel at the mystery of your unfailing love.

Accept our thanks and praise for all you have done for us. Thank you for our family. Thank you for our friends. Thank you for your tender mercies that are new every morning. Cause us to be good and faithful stewards of your earth, of our time, of our talents, and to be concerned for our neighbors. Blessed be your name.

We also thank you for leading us through the disappointments and failures we faced this year. They have drawn us closer to you and remind us of how much we need to depend on you for all things. We confess that all things work together for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purposes.

Above all, we thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ. What great love you have shown us in not sparing your one and only Son so we can enter your presence as adopted children—and such we are. Jesus’ faithfulness and obedience have won us a victory greater than anything we could have accomplished on our own. Through him, we now enjoy peace with you.

May we be so bold as to ask you for a fresh infilling of your Spirit? We ask so that we might know Christ better and be better at making him known. We further ask for your Spirit so that our ability to serve you and each other might increase and become more effective for your glory.

Thank you that this year has been a time of transformation and renewal as our minds and hearts were drawn to you. It’s a good thing to thank you. It’s acceptable in your sight. Help us to grow in gratitude and appreciation for you and what you daily do for us.

May this next year be filled with awe, wonder, and faith as we grow in your grace. We pray this in the majestic name of our LORD, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of the world, amen.



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