March 28, 2025


Common questions asked about this website

If you have a question about where to find things or a suggestion as to how this site can be improved, please contact me and I will answer your inquiry in a timely manner and consider all suggestions. You can reach me at

What is the purpose of this website?

cover of website
A resource for your ministry

This website exists to glorify Jesus Christ by equipping the local church and its leaders (lay and professional) with historic biblical content presented in a compelling manner. Check out the purpose and mission page here.

Resources are provided to people who desire to live out the implications of the gospel from a Christ-centered lifestyle and seek to be encouraged and informed as to what it means to fulfill the Great Commandment and the Great Commission (Deut 6:5, Mt 22:37; 28:19-20). Here you will find content for small groups, sermons, Sunday School curriculum, and training in effective communications of historic Christianity.  Sometimes this is called teaching with “light” and “fire.” We want you to know Christ and make him known, and to do it effectively and winsomely to individuals who need to hear the grace of God.

As we continue to publish materials we will not only recommend purchases of good Christian literature, we will publish original books, videos, curriculum, and training course as modest prices.

Who is this website designed for?

Women's Bible Study
Enjoy in-depth Bible studies

This website is designed for lay and professional and leaders, educators in the Church, and anyone interested in developing faith in Christ. Under the Educational section, you will find resources for teachers of the Bible who serve adults, youth, and children. Under the Pastoral section, you will find resources for Pastors of adults, youth. and children as well as administrative tools for pastoral ministry to all ages.

Many of the other sections will have content of interest to anyone wanting to align their heart with their head as they learn to follow the Lord. It’s important that believers in Jesus are motivated by solid biblical content and then use that content compellingly to encourage others to trust in the Lord. We must learn and do; repent and change; love, serve, and grow in these dynamics throughout each stage of our lives.

How can I sign up for your updates and news items?

Most pages have a box where you can sign up to get the latest articles, offers, and announcements. Subscribe today and don’t miss out on any of the content! You can sign up for weekly email updates. Go to the resource page and click on the resource picture in the right column. Also, leave comments on the articles. I actually read all of them and respond when necessary.

How can I find a topic of interest?

The internal search function is operational. Just type in a keyword and it will search all the documents on this website and bring them up in your window.

How do I change the text to my first language?

ipad with language signs
Choose your native language

If you scroll down to the footer of the main page you will find a language translator. Click on this icon and scroll down its menu to find the language you would like to use to read. The icon box also floats around the top for your convenience. The default is American English. However not every text will translate as some words are embedded images. Since each article was originally written in English, the machine translation might not perfectly translate the text as smoothly or as culturally appropriate as we would like. If you need a language that is not listed, please contact us and we will consider adding additional languages. We want to be globally minded as most of our resources are given out freely.

How can I support this ministry’s outreach to the world?

Small sign for envy study
Invite me to speak to your group
  1. Use the content on this website in your ministry. It is designed with you in mind. My calling is to equip you for gospel ministry with the abilities, gifts, and resources God has graciously given me. Freely print and copy its pages for your students and study group (see permission policy).
  2. You can write a check to Jim Klukow and put in the memo “For Website Ministry.” The mailing address is found on the contact page. This will assure that your financial gift goes 100% to keeping this website full of free and easily accessible content from a distinctively biblical and Reformed perspective. You can also send funds through PayPal if you have an existing account with them. At this time we are not incorporated as a tax-exempt ministry.
  3. Tell your friends how useful this site has been for you. Tag it in your social media feeds, repost, and like the notices sent out on facebook, twitter, and LinkedIn. We are building a community to resource people like you as together we support each other as we serve the Lord. We need your help to get the message out!
  4. Pray that God will use our efforts on this site to equip and encourage Christians all over the world with a clear and authoritative message that the gospel of Jesus Christ transforms lives into servant leaders.
  5. Invite me to speak at your next event. I have one, two, three, and up to eight session workshops and seminars. The various topics are designed to train Christian educators and lay leaders in ministry skills to develop confidence and proficiency in the way they serve.  Classes and courses on practical theology will be offered in the future. When a person knows what they are doing in ministry (resourced) and that God has called them to that ministry (desire to serve) amazing things happen and the gospel message makes a powerful impact on their circle of influence.

Enjoy and share this site with your friends!

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