March 28, 2025


JIm Klukow head shot

Who is Jim Klukow?

Hi, I’m Jim Klukow. I have worked in Church and para-Church ministry as well as in the Christian mass media industry for over 40 years. This may sound peculiar, but I have formally studied electronics, theology, and ancient languages (Greek, Hebrew, Latin). Many people have asked me how I align a background in media and ancient languages with religion.  No, I’m not a tele-evangelist.

Finding the intersection of these fields has taken me into such diverse areas as developing a men’s ministry at a pregnancy center to producing a contemporary Christian music radio program; from teaching graduate-level courses in pastoral care and theology to building an electrocardiogram. By the way, if you ever find an electrocardiogram machine in a hospital with my name on it, I suggest you find another ER room!  It was one of my lab projects in a trade school.

My passion is to connect with people like you who want sound Christian theology and biblically effective practices delivered in relevant, attractive, motivational, and impacting ways. From my time in youth ministry as a regional director with Youth for Christ, to being the Executive Director of Westminster Media at Westminster Theological Seminary; from serving as a church planter and pastor with several churches facing revitalization concerns in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, to being a para-Church consultant in media and the producer/ director of non-broadcast video productions and radio programs, God has used me to resource and support men, women, and teens in being biblically content driven and culturally sensitive as they present the gospel.

My constant prayer is that my ministry and service to Christ, and your ministry and service to Jesus as Lord, would be so influential that it would penetrate our generation and have such an impact upon individuals that its influence would affect a generation yet born.

God calls me to bring a grace-based; faith exercising, and Christ-exalting message to a world trapped in the bonds of self-centeredness and spiritual confusion. When I was single, I asked God to send me to the mission field. I wanted to commit all my energies to communicate the gospel in hostile fields. I was willing to sacrifice my life for the message of the Kingdom of God. God didn’t respond to my offer as I had hoped. He directed me to stay state-side so he could use me to equip others with the message of the Kingdom.

My passion for missions and evangelism hasn’t diminished. The purpose of this website is to further empower people like you to engage culture more effectively with the gospel. I have been faithful to my calling.  Men and women, whom I have served, are now serving Christ more effectively and powerfully than I could have done by myself.

Being an equipper of God’s people has allowed me to meet amazing people. I have worked with national ministry leaders and undergraduate students to encourage them to believe God for great things. God uses me to influence and motivate believers so that our behind-the-scenes partnership has become a driving force for them to more fully and faithfully preach the gospel than if they had served Christ alone in their mission.

Through my social media outlets, you will find resources for understanding and applying the gospel to virtually every aspect of ministry. I have taught in several countries as well as up and down America’s eastern seaboard. God regularly uses the content on this website to inspire children, teens, peasant farmers, business owners, scholars, church leaders, lay leaders in the church, Sunday School teachers of children to adults, graduate students of theology, community leaders, and mature adults. If I missed describing you then we need to meet, so I can learn more about how God uses a diverse group of people to ascribe glory and honor to himself.

My Testimony

I was born in Newmarket, England. I lived there for the first few years of my life while my dad finished his military tour with the U. S. Air Force. Half of my family still lives in southern Great Britain, while the other half live throughout the United States.

At the age of fifteen, I was the first in my family to experience conversion. I remember that evening very well. A few of my football buddies and I began attending a Presbyterian youth group.  We thought the girls attending the youth meetings were attractive and we wanted to meet them.

One evening the youth director informed us we were going to a “revival.” Not being raised in Church I had no idea what a “revival” was. I thought it was a meeting where there were ping pong and pool tables, and girls.  My best friend and I decided to ride the church bus and attend the “revival.”

Once we arrived, they placed us in a holding pen (Sanctuary). I thought is was so they could prepare the youth room with snacks and other things. I later discovered it was called a “sanctuary.” It had “pews” to sit on and all the teens from our group filled up two or three “pews.” I squirmed in my seat as we waited patiently for them to release us to play games and meet girls.

Boy, was I in for a shocker. Instead of releasing us to play games and meet girls, a guy stood on the stage area behind a “pulpit” and began “preaching.” He was called an “Evangelist” (all of these terms were new to me).

Although I wasn’t there to hear about God, the Evangelist arrested , my thoughts with something he said. He said if I was too ashamed to confess I had a Creator then I was in a pretty sad place in my life. I wasn’t raised in Church, never the less, I knew I wasn’t a random concoction of chemicals. In my heart, I knew there was a Creator and that ignoring him was wrong. Later, I realized the compelling feeling in my heart was God’s Spirit wooing me to himself as I listened to a simple Gospel presentation.

Then the Evangelist asked us to stand up, get out of our pews, and walk the aisle. I had no idea what would happen if I “walked the aisle.” But I was at a decision point. Would I acknowledge God as my Creator or live without him?  I chose to know him.

As the Evangelist offered his “altar call,” I was too scared to stand up and walk forward on my own. Peer pressure was holding me back. But I knew God was calling me to confess him as my Creator.  So, my first prayer of faith asked God for strength to overcome the peer pressure I felt, not be ashamed of him, and walk to the stage.

As I prayed, a few teens in front of me stood up. Then a few more stood on either side of me. Even my best friend stood up. So, I stood up too and, as a heard of wild teens, we all walked the aisle. I watched carefully what the others did so I wouldn’t stand out like an idiot. They lined the front of the stage and knelt down.  I was the last to kneel. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the Evangelist placing his hand on each student’s head and leading them in prayer. Unaware of what praying was, I realized later he was leading us individually in a “sinner’s prayer.”

I was the last one to pray with the Evangelist. He asked me, “Son, what do you want?” I didn’t fully understand what I wanted or how to answer this question, so I answered, “I don’t know, what have you got?” He smiled and lead me in that sinner’s prayer.

God’s Spirit entered my teen heart at that moment. I was regenerated. Instantly I knew something had changed in me. I was aglow with the presence of God in my life. Even those who knew me well realized something was different about me.

My lifestyle, my language, my hopes and dreams quickly changed. No longer was I a class clown or racially disruptive. I had something to say and that message had something to do with God.

It took several months of reading the New Testament over and over before I realized what had happened to me. My understanding of God slowly grew and I began sharing with family and friends what had happened to me. I even sent a close friend a multi-paged letter highlighting Bible verses using a red pen so he wouldn’t miss what I was trying to say.

Eventually, my mother began coming to church with me and rededicated her life to Christ. Initially, my older brother persecuted me to see if my change was real. One day, after we talked about the Lord, he went to his apartment, kneeled at his bedside, and asked Jesus to come into his heart. Before we each knew Christ, we were constantly in conflict with each other. After he accepted Jesus as Lord, God created a bond between us where now I consider him a best friend. I remember the moment when my father saw us give each other a big hug in the front lawn on Christmas day. I don’t think my dad had ever seen godly affection between two men before. Later, my sister and younger brother both made professions of faith.

My life Scripture reflects what I, as a young teen, experienced when Jesus became my Lord and Savior.  It’s Romans 10:11. “As the Scripture says, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame” (NIV).  Forty-plus years later, I can honestly say God has never disappointed me. And I’ve never been ashamed of the decision made that night. In a small country Baptist Church, where I sat in a pew, in a sanctuary, listened to an Evangelist, walked a church aisle, knelt before a pulpit, and said a sinner’s prayer, I was converted to Christianity.

My Hobbies

Today my favorite past-time is reading good books. I wasn’t much of a reader before I became a Christian. But four months after my conversion I read the New Testament (Living Bible Translation) four times. The Bible has influenced my life more than any other book. I haven’t stopped reading since. Biblical topics are a special joy to research and to share what I learn with others is a privilege.

I love to cruise the Florida inter-coastal waterways using a power boat. Fishing for freshwater bass or panfish is a favorite. I also like biking, going on mountain hikes, and discovering roadside vistas.  My children often make fun of me for stopping the car to take a picture at a beautiful scenic overlook. Exploring new sites, historical areas, and traveling to other countries has kept me a vacation planner for our family. One thing that reenergizes me is spending time out-of-doors. Camping, whether it be primitive backpacking or using our camper that sleeps eight, I always look for ways to get away and enjoy the beach or the mountains.

Sports has always been a significant part of my life. I played football in middle school and fell in love with the sport. I competed in an AAU state championship wrestling match in my weight division. It was a short-lived glory moment. I lost miserably, but it’s always fun to talk about it. Now I engage sports as a coach. I have coached all my children in soccer. Once I played soccer at an international Disney tournament. It was my last. My shins were almost destroyed during that tournament. One regret I have is not learning to play golf until 30. Some would say I still haven’t learned to play golf.

The communications field has always been interesting to me. I have directed, produced, and spoken on Christian television and radio for years. Yet, I still enjoy being creative with my communications.

One outlet I enjoy is developing and presenting object lessons to elementary school-aged children.  Sharing the gospel with them is a lot of fun. I first try the object lesson on my children. If I can keep their attention, then I know the children in the church or kids I meet at outreaches will remain interested. With these object lessons, I attach a biblical truth so they can understanding who Jesus is. Once, I brought some of these lessons to Spain. We shared the Gospel through a translator (I don’t speak Spanish) all around the plaza for over an hour. Dozens of children in the city gathered around us to see the “magic.” Even parents sitting on the stone ledge leaned in to see and hear what was happening.

Contact Information

I live in South Carolina but constantly travel throughout the U. S. Please don’t expect an immediate response, but I will get back to you as soon as I can. You can reach me at or call and leave a message at 1-803-370-6123.

If you would like to download banners for PowerPoint presentations check out my twitter account. It contains quotes from myself and those who have made an impact on my life.

You can also follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin.

My Biography

If you would like to learn more about the jobs I have had in the past, most of them are listed on LinkedIn. There you will find both my professional experiences and my formal education.

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