March 28, 2025

Permission Policy



Copyright Ownership

I am the owner of the content on this website. It is copyrighted in my name and international copyright is secured under Title 17 of the United States Code 2016. I want others to share my content, but at the same time, want to protect my intellectual property rights. So, below explains what you can and cannot do with my material.

If permission to use my content is given, including but not limited to all re-prints, re-posts, or storage of my content, the following copyright notice is to be attached to the document (electronic or hard copy reproductions) as follows and appear at the end of every re-post, copy, or print of my posts: “Copyright © 2017, Jim Klukow. All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Originally published at” The date will change based upon when the material was posted and made available.

To help you and others know what they can and cannot do with my content, below is what I allow under The United States of America Copyright Law.


What you are allowed to do without my permission

You are allowed to link to my site or any particular post on my site.

You may copy and re-post on any other site up to but not exceeding 200 words, provided you link back to my original post and inform your readers this is copyrighted material using the above copyright notification.

You may photocopy up to 20 copies for internal distribution within your non-profit organization, church, or business. Church and Para-church newsletters may print my posts in a non-commercial publication, provided you include the copyright notice. Again, every copy must include on the bottom of every page that the material is owned and copyrighted and include a link to “” website.


What allowances require my express written permission

You must have a signed written agreement from me to use my content for commercial and profitable purposes, including selling or licensing printed or digital versions of my content.

You must have a signed written agreement from me to alter, transform, or build upon my work.

You must have a signed written agreement from me to re-post and/or translate my work. I maintain derivative copyright for anthologies, translations, and all other repackaging of my work.


What is not allowed and is not permitted

I don’t permit the re-posting of my posts in their entirety. Google penalizes websites for publishing duplicate content. It often can’t tell which site hosts the original, so I risk getting penalized myself for granting this kind of permission.

I don’t allow the translation and publication of my work in other languages. I simply don’t have the resources to validate the quality of the translation. Contact me for exceptions to this rule.


Guest Posts

Guest bloggers retain the copyright to the posts they write. The above permission guidelines do not apply to their work. If you are interested in re-posting or publishing their content, you must contact them directly. I cannot serve as a broker, agent, or contact point.


Fair Use of Copyrighted Material

There is often confusion regarding reproduction of copyrighted material for educational use in religious settings. Fair use of copyrighted material is limited in many ways. It is for educational purposes only and is an exception to copyright laws allowed only for educational institutions.

A Church, Para-Church, or Not-for-Profit organization, unless it is chartered by the federal government as primarily an educational institution (like a school, college, university, or seminary) is not legally allowed to use fair use exceptions to reproduce copyrighted material. Sunday School and other religious educational practices do not qualify under the fair use law stated in Title 17 of the United States Code. For more information go to


Thanks in advance for your cooperation. If you have some use for my content that is not covered here, please email me for permission.


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