January 22, 2025

In the previous articles on the Magi’s greatest discoveries, we discussed the primary importance of worship and how critical it is to worship the proper object. These are fundamental choices we must make if we hope 2019 will be a productive and spiritually prosperous year.

3 wise men orange glow

The Magi are examples of individuals who correctly evaluated their priorities and made the necessary adjustments so as to not miss what God was doing. Their example is instructive to us as we hope to grow in grace, mercy, and holiness before the Lord; and plan on making this next year one of our best.

Signs in the sky that the Lord is returning

The Magi saw an unusually bright star in the heavens that directed them to the location of the birth of Jesus Christ. The star indicated that something of great importance was happening. The Magi followed that heavenly sign and found the King of the world. Additionally, in the days immediately following the great tribulation there will again be important signs in the sky.

The sun will be darkened. The moon will offer no reflective light. Stars will fall from heaven (Mt 24:29). And when this happens a third sign will immediately appear. The Son of Man, that baby born in Bethlehem, sought after by the Magi, who is now ruling as king, will return riding on the clouds with power and great glory. But this time he doesn’t come as a humble baby destined to die for his people’s sins. No. This time he comes as the judge to see what we have done with him.

He will look to see who rejected or despised him and his Church, or who became apathetic and disinterested or presumptuous toward his grace, or who chose to worship and serve him. It’s important that while it is daylight that we consider these options and choose wisely, as did the Magi. Jesus is returning to see what we value as most important. He wants to know what did we do with him during our lifetime.

There’s no substitute for worship. Remember, you are a worshiping creature. If you choose not to worship Jesus, then you will dedicate your time and attention to something less worthy of your worship. Don’t let anything distract you from the priority of public worship or replace your private time with the Savior.

Five actions steps for the new year

As the new year arrives there are five actions I have chosen to take that reflect the importance of not wanting to miss out on what God will do in this coming year. They also support the commitment to worshiping the correct object (Jesus) and to regularly worshiping him with others as our Lord and Savior. Consider choosing one or all five of these options as you evaluate your priorities for this new year.

1. Read the Bible more slowly.

There’s nothing wrong with reading the Bible thru every year, I often do that, but it’s important that you connect with what you read. The best way to hear God’s voice through Scripture is to slow down the amount of content you read on a daily basis. This doesn’t mean spending less time with him, but spending the time you have more intentionally. Regardless as to how many verses you read each day, make sure a biblical idea stands out or “speaks to you.”

It’s more important that your time reading the Bible is productive in the sense of understanding the text than it is to read volumes of material. The slower you read the more you will understand and comprehend. Slowing down causes the mind to absorb and meditate. This, in turn, aids in the transformation of the heart and realigns thinking with God’s perspective. Read slowly, intentionally, and with the view in mind that you want God to speak to you.

2. Be passionate and jealous for time alone with Jesus.

One of the greatest complaints I hear as a pastor is how busy people are. They claim there isn’t enough time to do what they think is really important. The truth of the matter is that we give time to what we think is important. The problems isn’t a lack of time but the improper allocation of our limited time.

Passionately guard your time alone with God. Be jealous for your time alone with him. Don’t let anything or anyone rob you of time with your Lord and Savior. The Magi traveled for months and months just to spend a few hours bending their knees in worship before the child Jesus. See this time alone with him as an investment in your eternity.

3. Love other more frequently and more sacrificially.

Regrets surface when a loved one dies. Family members regret not spending more time with the one who passed away. They wished they had talked more, laughed more, and enjoyed the company of their relatives more. If you and I love others more frequently and do it knowing we are sacrificing our time and energy for the benefit of another, we will have fewer regrets when someone dies or when we are on our own deathbed. God has redeemed us so that we can be like him in loving those who need our care and attention.

Loving and sacrificing are interconnected. To love more deeply is to sacrifice yourself more freely. Make sure this year your ability to love and serve increases–even if it costs you. The degree to which you sacrifice yourself for others will be rewarded with the degree to which you feel your life was worth living.

4. Give more generously to the causes of God’s kingdom.

God provides our necessities and more, so that we are properly cared for. He also provides us with more than we need so that he can use us to provide for others. Family comes first. Church comes second. And others come third. Most Christians have no problems giving to family needs. But when it comes to the Church and others we tend to be more discriminating. As in every area of life, we need to grow in our ability to give of ourselves and our resources.

For the new year, consider making adjustments in the area of financial giving. Grow in your ability to give. Purposely seek out credible and worthwhile ministries that honor God and love others. Chose to increase your financial support for those ministries. Make sure each dollar you donate is given to an organization that honors Jesus as God the Creator and Savior of the world. Specifically look for ministries that desire to reach those who have yet to hear the gospel or who aggressively care for believers who are persecuted. Set as a priority this year to more generously support the causes Jesus spoke of and that have as their mission the increase of God’s kingdom reign.

5. Worship Jesus more sincerely and often.

New Year’s resolutions last a few days, weeks, or if you’re disciplined possible a month. But the choice to worship Jesus more sincerely and regularly is a commitment that should deepen. The Lord commands us to meet regularly and often to publicly acknowledge him as Lord and Savior (Heb 10:24-25). This encourages us to use our faith in daily activities, but it also encourages others to do the same.

Regular worship, both public and private, aren’t optional. It’s not one among many worthwhile activities. Gathering for worship is the believer’s lifeline to eternity. The temptation is to sidestep this commitment thinking occasional absences won’t affect us. How wrong this thinking is. When we miss weekly worship, or mid-week Bible studies/ fellowships, it’s to our own demise. We begin to miss out on what God is daily doing in our lives and the lives of those we are close to. Worship, like eating meals, is a critical habit for growing spiritually. Choose today to be faithful to your local church in your attendance to weekly worship. Sincerely and regularly worshiping Jesus are defining qualities of a healthy believer.

Reset your priorities and renew your commitments

This year consider what captures your attention and what consumes your time. If need be, reset your priorities and renew your commitments to highlight the importance of personal and corporate worship. Support your church with sacrificial attendance, giving, and service. On the top of your list should be to do these things as expressions of worshiping Jesus your king. Worship him with the same convictions, determination, and intensity that the Magi had. They risked everything (time, money, and reputation) just to spend a few short hours on their knees worshiping Jesus. And when they finally found him, they gave him gifts worthy of the worthiest of beings.

Jesus calming the sea (Mk 4:35-41)

The Magi knew that worshiping Jesus was of the utmost importance. They didn’t want to miss what God was doing in the world. And you and I don’t want to be caught off guard when signs in the sky appear again signaling the immediate return of our master as the judge.

The birth of the King of kings was too significant for the Magi to ignore. They didn’t stay at home and let unimportant things consume their time and attention. Make the Magi’s priority of worship yours this coming year. If you do God promises:

“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Oh, fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him have no lack! The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing” (Ps 34:8-10 ESV).


Photo attributions: Wallpaper Database.com, Pexels.com

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