January 22, 2025

Satan has as many as forty names or titles in the Bible. His names and titles reveal his functions in God’s economy and his wicked character.

Demonization title cover

He was first known as Lucifer. This was his name in heaven (derived from the Hebrew “Haylale” meaning “Morning Star” Isa 14:12 ESV). He was the chief or anointed guardian cherub of the LORD (Ez 28:14). Satan sinned and was cast out of heaven. Because of his sin of pride, desire to be as God, and his demand that he receives worship, God rejected him. Now Satan resides on earth (vs 16-17).

Five Names for the Evil One

The Satan

The word Satan is more of a title than a personal name. It comes from the Hebrew word for an attacking opponent (1 Chron 21:1, Job 1:6). Another name for him is the devil. The Greek word for devil is “Diabolos” and means an accuser or slanderer (Rev 20:2). This is how he presented himself when he tempted Christ in the wilderness. Satan was out to gather dirt on Christ so he could slander him at a more advantageous moment during his earthly ministry. He wanted to hold Christ’s failure under temptation’s pressure until he could discredit his claim as the spotless lamb who would be sacrificed for the sins of the world. His plan miserably failed, for Jesus never sinned.

The Tempter

A derogatory name for the devil was Beelzebul, meaning the garbage god.

He is the tempter. The Greek word translated tempter is “Peirazo.” It describes someone who examines another for the purpose of accusing or entices them to sin. The Pharisees called the devil “Beelzebul” (Mt 10:25, 12:24). This title was a derogatory name of a Philistine god meaning either “lord of the flies” or “lord of dung” or “lord of filth.” It was a way the Jews could belittle Satan.

When the religious leaders claimed Jesus healed using Satan’s power, they also claimed he was influenced by “Beelzebul.” The name calling was an attempt to belittle and discredit Jesus by associating him and his work with the devil. This too failed. The crowds heard Jesus’ words as true, gracious, and merciful. And his deeds were equally kind and godly.

The Subtle One

Satan is a crafty angelic being (Gen 3:1). The description of being crafty refers to his subtle and cunning approach. Proof of this is that he doesn’t reveal to Eve who he really is. Rather, he appears inside a snake (also see Judas who was possessed by Satan Lk 22:3). To Eve, he indwells a beautiful snake and speaks through this reptile. This is why he’s the deceiver. The subtle one appears as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14). He transfigures into something more pleasant and acceptable than what he truly is. The purpose of his subtleness and deception is so people will either ignore, fear, obey, or worship him (Eph 6:10-11). To do this he deceives, lies, corrupts, battles good, entices and tempts, and corrupts and confuses humans (Mk 13:22).

The Antichrist

Road sign to hell
Demonic possession, oppression, and influence all lead down the road of destruction.

Satan is the antichrist (1 Jn 4:3). The antichrist is a liar, a fake, a substitute for the real Christ. He exaggerates his own abilities and claims while lying about the efficacy of Christ’s word. He deceives people into thinking Jesus’ forgiveness isn’t enough or is unnecessary (2 Jn 7).

Anyone believing his lies and deceits, and propagates them is also an antichrist (1 Jn 2:18). Why? Because those who follow Satan take on his characteristics and behaviors. They may be possessed by Satan or a demon, as demonstrated in the New Testament, or demonic forces can oppress an individual. Or people are heavily influenced and entrapped by his false claims. All three of these conditions describe demonization.

What is Demonization?

Demonization is the act of the devil or his demons influencing a person. It can be subtle like suggesting a godless thought or extremely destructive when someone is possessed by demons. Satan’s goal is to control as much of human society as God will allow him. He does this by meddling with the minds of individuals as well as institutions; and even whole societies. Thus, we should realize and expect evil influences in various levels of society’s power structures. From education to government, from fraternities to clubs. Within all associations, Satan is working to influence people for evil purposes. He invaded the synagogues of the Jews. And resides in Christian churches (Rev 3:9, Mt 13:25, 30; 1 Jn 2:19).

What Job Would Satan Fill Today?

Today, Satan would appear as a preacher teaching a false gospel.

It would be safe to say that Satan would be a preacher. Or, perhaps better said, he loves to influence religious leaders since people often look to spiritual leaders for truth and godliness. But Satan doesn’t preach the gospel or righteousness through the blood of Jesus Christ. No. He preaches unrighteousness and self-orientation. His wars are battles over words (2 Cor 10:4-6). He causes divisions among unsuspecting Christians so he can isolate and eventually conquer them.

Satan is the prince of this world and the prince of the power of this air (2 Cor 4:4, Eph 2:2). These two titles indicate that on God’s world a worldly (anti-God) system exists. It’s a world view and lifestyle that opposes the rules and protections God offers. Satan’s perspective always ends in ruin and destruction (Pr 14:12, 30:12, Mt 7:13, Rom 6:21, Eph 5:6, Jn 14:6). He loves no one, cares for no one, and is incapable of doing any good.

The evil one is Satan the accuser, the cunning deceiver, the substitute for Jesus the Redeemer, and the false preacher/teacher/ prophet whose only desire is to rob God of his rightful glory.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep”
John 10:10-11 ESV.

Combating the Evil One

How can anyone counter the blows of such a powerful and wicked creature? Satan is clearly smarter than humans since he has existed as long as human beings have been created.

Worship is War

Satan wages war against the worship of God.

First, we must realize that worship isn’t a cultural pleasantry. It is war. Satan aggressively opposes any act of worship not directed toward himself. The desire to acknowledge Jesus as Creator, God, and Redeemer is an affront to everything Satan wants.

Expect influences that discourage the worship of Jesus. Count on accusations and attacks against your motives and desires. This is a reality for people who choose to freely worship the Lord. Don’t be surprised when people hate, slander, falsely accuse, or physically attack you for publically worshipping Jesus as Lord (1 Jn 3:13). Jesus experienced this and so will all who follow him.

The Battle Begins in the Mind

Second, don’t give Satan a foothold into your life. The battle is virtually lost once he plants a thought in your mind and you choose to consider it. Why? Because the moment you think what the devil offers is better than what Jesus offers, the war is lost. It’s almost impossible to stop a sin after Satan plants an evil thought in your mind. When you think sin isn’t all that bad, or that the consequences of sin are overstated in the Bible, you are already walking on the path of sin.

Know the Enemy

Finally, knowing your enemy is half the battle. The other half is knowing who fights and wins your battles. We will discuss spiritual warfare in the last two articles. In the next article, you will learn what your strengths and weaknesses are. Knowing the nature of the devil helps to identify what he is doing and who he works through in his attempts to get to you.

 “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8-9 ESV).


Pictures attributions: cover angel by Rakicevic Nenad @ pexel.com, garbage by Stijn Dijkstra from Pexels, Hell sign by Dan Meyers on Unsplash, preacher from tijmen vaan dobbenburg@freeimage.com, military photo by <a href=”/photographer/jwarletta-34460″>José A. Warletta</a> from <a href=”https://freeimages.com/”>FreeImages</a>

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