January 22, 2025

The more secular our society becomes, the more people are interested in angels. However, traditional Christian beliefs about angels aren’t what interests our culture. Modern cultures are moving into a more personal mystical view of spiritual beings.Demonization title cover

Oddly, thoughts about angels are becoming more personal while the belief that demons are threatening is becoming less of a concern. Angels are commonly thought to be here to serve us. And, thoughts of demons are commonly found in entertainment. We use scary images for fun. Demons are rarely thought of as real, harmful, or any serious threat to our wellbeing.

New Interest in Angels

A 2007 Gallup poll discovered that 70% of Americans believe in Satan. But a Barna Group poll found that in 2009 most Christians in America don’t believe Satan or the Holy Spirit are real beings. 40% of people claiming Christian faith don’t think Satan is real. He’s just a symbol of evil. Only 20 % of people claiming Christian faith believe Satan is real. And more concerning, 38% of people claiming Christian faith don’t believe the Holy Spirit is a person. Only 38% firmly believe in a personal Holy Spirit.

Rainbow ending on a path
There are no signs that angels are present.

An AP poll found that 97% of evangelicals believe in angels. But their view is anything but biblical. Evangelicals think angels come in the form of a bird, a kind person, or as a spirit within a house. Evidence of angelic activity includes finding a white feather on the ground or discovering a coin head’s up or seeing a rainbow. These are superstitious thoughts; not rationally based ideas. None the less, a 2010 Gallup poll indicated the belief in angels is on the increase. For instance, in 1995 only 25% of the British public believed in the existence of angels. By 2009 that number rose to 41% (with 52% of women and 29% of men believing in angelic beings).

Neither philosophy nor the sciences can prove or disprove the existence of angels. Yet, there’s mounting evidence from prominent psychologists that demonic oppression and even possession is real. Anthropologist Alan Tippett wrote, “When one has eliminated the spurious and psychopathological cases one is still left with a considerable residue of material which appears to be genuine possession.” There’s a lot of paranormal phenomena that requires an explanation.

Do Angels Exist?

Where can we turn to find an authoritative source on the existence of angels? Fortunately, there is one. The Old and New Testaments provide real-life examples of human interactions with angelic beings. However, nowhere does the Bible prove they exist (just as it doesn’t prove God’s existence). Rather, the Bible assumes both are real and involved in human affairs.

Three Views of Angels

Open Bible on a bed of grass
The Bible speaks frequently about angelic activity.

As interest in angels rises and the curiosity of spiritual things develops, we find three views regarding angels.

  • They’re not real. The first view claims angels and demons (fallen angels) aren’t real. The word God is spelled with a second “o” making him an abstract “good.” And the “d” in devil is removed to spell evil. So, people generally believe angelic beings are merely symbols of good and evil. People don’t consider God and the devil as real. They’re only symbolic representations of good and evil.
  • All angels are good. The second view claims that all angels are good. If there are any evil angels (which they claim is highly unlikely), they have red suits, pointed ears, a tail, and carry a trident stick. Angels and demons are either cartoon characters or grotesque sea monsters and cute babies with wings. C. S. Lewis wrote that both a disbelief in evil spirits or an unhealthy interest in them are dangerous beliefs.
  • Some angels are good and some are bad. Fortunately, the Bible doesn’t ignore spiritual beings. It doesn’t make light of them. It provides a third view that offers a realistic description of angels and demons. This is important because angels have captured the minds of Americans. Angelic creatures remain involved in human activity. So, it’s essential to have an objective source to discern good angels from evil ones. Otherwise, they may negatively influence and control us.

Understanding the Spiritual World

Man studying the Bible
The Bible counters superstitions, speculations, and perverse thinking.

What’s the value of studying angelic beings? For one thing, to understand and become aware of angelic influences, both good and bad in the world, we learn about how the spiritual aspects of Creation work. We also learn how spiritual beings interact with human beings.

Secondly, we acquire the ability to discern between good and bad spirits. Not all supernatural encounters are necessarily good.

Thirdly, a biblical understanding of angels helps counter unhealthy superstitions, false speculations, and perverse thinking about spiritual beings. A grasp of biblical angelology alerts us to spiritual realities beyond our physical senses.

And finally, biblical knowledge of spiritual beings removes unwarranted fears of evil. Being aware of and being able to discern spiritual activity empowers us to deal properly with spiritual forces. Being informed of what is and is not true about the power and purposes of angelic beings places them in a proper relation to God who holds supreme power over all created things (Isa 44:6-8).

All Angels are Worshipping Creatures

There’s one more thing we need to know about angelic creatures. Encounters with them are always associated with worship. Angels are worshipping creatures as are demons and humans. It’s something we have in common with both creatures. This means worship is war. When a believer attends worship, either in private or public, a spiritual battle takes place. Acts of worship are choices regarding our loyalties. To worship or not to worship reveals one’s devotion or rejection of God’s sovereign right and Lordship over life.

chapel with a cross
Worship is war. Engage the battle for your soul.

Angels encourage and participate in worshipping Jesus Christ as God. Demons discourage worship. They refuse to worship Jesus as Lord (1 Cor 12:3). Godly worship is voluntary and willful. This means every time a person chooses to worship God or chooses not to worship God he or she is making a moral choice. Satan battles and tempts us at the mental decision level. Be forewarned: a choice to express devotion to God will be attacked. The devil wants control over us. He wants us to worship him (Rev 13:4).

If Satan can’t get us to worship him, then his second-best choice is to have us worship ourselves, something else, or simply ignore God altogether. Furthermore, he’s victorious if he can influence our minds that worshipping Jesus is useless or worthless. He wants to devalue worshipping Jesus or encourage us to worship someone or something else. Worship is a battle over wills. It’s fought in the mind. And it always relates to worshipping or not worshipping Jesus as Lord.

The Value of Studying Angelology and Demonology

Finally, the value of a studying angelology and demonology is that it contributes to the development of Christian maturity. It can also cause the ministry to be more effective. It further aids in the personal battles for our minds and hearts. Believers need to know who their adversary is and what he is like. Knowing what strategies he uses, where he came from, and where his destiny lies, gives us hope that he can’t gain control over us. And, learning why God allows him to exist and permits him to influence human actions develops wisdom.

I hope you follow all six of these studies. They will help as you seek answers on how to overcome spiritual forces and win spiritual battles.


Photo Attributions: cover angel by Rakicevic Nenad @ pexel.com, rainbow by Frans Van Heerden, Bible study by Oladimeji Ajeglile, and chapel by Dan Whitfield, all from @ Pexel.com.

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