February 22, 2025

Developing an Annual Church Calendar

Whether you are a new pastor, associate pastor, or a seasoned pastor, developing an annual Church calendar has become part of leading a congregation in the development of its ministry plan.

More and more churches are using annual calendar planning sessions to map out the implementation of its vision for the coming year. There also appears more interest in learning about the historic Church calendar than in the recent past. To base ministry planning around a twelve-month structure that considers historic Christian traditions and practices are becoming more popular each year as church leaders find that it saves them time in the long run. Even solo pastors of smaller congregations find it advantageous to make an annual ministry plan for the churches they serve.

For all aspects of ministry, developing an effective and useful calendar is essential. This is where worship service themes, sermon topics and series, special music, communion, and other dynamics used in worship are coordinated. Much time coordinating events, promotions, and other ministry support activities are served by a well-planned calendar.

I take one or two days each year to get away and focus on developing an annual Church calendar. Once the calendar is complete I present it the Elders for any changes they wish to make and then we vote to approve it as a tool to implement the ministry vision for that year. One side benefit of having an annual Church calendar pre-approved is that all of the activities in that schedule also are approved upon the Elder’s approval.

Before you dive into developing a ministry calendar for the church, it’s helpful to learn a little about how church calendars evolved and what social elements have influenced its development. Once we understand the key historic Christian events recognized by the Church, we can plan a meaningful and effective annual, sustainable, cyclical schedule of ministry. Added at the end of this article are several calendars you will find helpful. The first is an example of an annual church calendar. The second is a chart of major Jewish festivals. The third is an American civic calendar. There is also a listing of Christian holidays, along with a brief explanation of them, modern Jewish and major secular celebrations, and, a fun daily calendar for youth groups.

Three Calendars Influencing the Church Year

There are three calendars that have influenced the development of a Church calendar.

  1. The religious Jewish/biblical calendar
  2. The Christian/Church Father’s calendar
  3. The American secular/civic calendar

The Jewish calendar centered around seven major feasts described in the Old Testament.  The year began in early spring with Passover. Passover began the day before the Exodus from Egypt. The year’s major events concluded with the later harvest in the early fall with the Feast of Tabernacles. The rest of the year was organized around Sabbaths (the seventh or last day of the week).

The seven feast days were known as the feasts of Jehovah and were cyclical (repeated every year). Each feast day commemorated a historic redemptive act of God for Israel. Below is a list of the major Jewish feast days.

  1. Passover
  2. Unleavened Bread
  3. Firstfruits
  4. Pentecost
  5. Trumpets
  6. Day of Atonement
  7. Tabernacles (or Booths)

Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Firstfruits were celebrated in March/April. Pentecost was in May/June. Trumpets, Day of Atonement, and Tabernacles were celebrated in Sept/ Oct. Purim and Hanukkah was added later in Jewish history and are not found in the Bible as festivals established by Moses. The rest of the year had weekly (Sabbath) and monthly (new moon) celebrations, which filled up the year with lots of religious activities.

The Jewish feast days provided the superstructure for the later Christian religious calendar. However, the Christian religious calendar also is influenced by the national secular/civic calendar. This is clearly seen in the Christian calendar beginning on January 1 rather than in March/April as does the Jewish religious calendar, and in Christians recognizing governmental and social events. Examples of this include Thanksgiving Day and Labor Day.

Calendar and penThe Christian calendar developed around compiling the major events in the life of Jesus as described in the New Testament into one calendar year. The religious year begins with preparation for the birth of Christ celebrated as Advent and the actual birth of baby Jesus the end of December (even though this is probably not the actual season of his birth).

After Christmas comes Epiphany (Jan-Feb) and celebrates the coming of the Magi. It is a season of welcoming the nations to Christ and focuses on evangelism and missions. Lent follows and lasts for 40 days. It is a time of fasting and is the Jewish counterpart to the Day of Atonement, which is the only Jewish festival that commands fasting. This time frame represents Jesus’ days of temptations in the wilderness.

Holy week is the time between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. This festival celebrates Jesus entering Jerusalem, his death, burial, and resurrection. Palm Sunday begins his passion (passion referring to suffering not his emotions). Maundy-Thursday relates to Jesus celebrating his last Passover meal with his disciples. Good Friday celebrates his death on the cross and burial. Holy Saturday recognizes his body resting in the grave. Sunday is Easter Sunday celebrating Jesus rising from the grave before sunrise.

Historically, Easter has been the most important annual holiday for Christians (more so than Christmas). It’s the most ancient Christian festival. The resurrection of Christ was so monumental in the minds of the early Christians that Sabbath Day worship was quickly changed from Saturday to Sunday by the first century Church.

Eastertide is the season from Easter to Pentecost. During this time the ancient Church repeatedly celebrated the resurrection similarly to the way the twelve days of Christmas are celebrated today after Christmas. Eastertide lasts for 49 days.

Pentecost is the celebration of the Holy Spirit coming as recorded in Acts chapter two. This coincides with the Jewish celebration of the Firstfruits. The early Christian celebration of Pentecost was built on the idea that the Holy Spirit came upon the Gentiles making them the firstfruits of Christ’s atonement.

The rest of the calendar year is called the Ordinary Time or Kingdom tide (from the end of May to the first of December).  During this time the celebration of Trinity Sunday, the transfiguration of Christ, the Holy Cross, Worldwide Communion Sunday, All Hallows Eve, Reformation Sunday, and Christ the King day are celebrated. These festivals, to some degree, replace the Jewish New Moon celebrations.

After 1000 AD Christians added colors to distinguish the different religious seasons. The chart below indicates the Church year in colors. These colors are used to determine the shashes used with the pastoral robe and which linens are used to dress the communion table (sometimes a colored Bible bookmark also is used). These decorations are called Paraments.Liturgical colors

The secular/civic calendar used today (adopted by the American colonies in 1752) is called the Gregorian calendar. January 1 starts the new year. This calendar highlights national and international concerns. They include seasonal, governmental, educational, and social issues.

Civic interests are valuable to the Church in that they reflect the popular feelings and thinking of the community. These celebrations reflect cultural cycles-of-life that interest the hearts and minds of the community. They are points of intersection the Church can use to relate the gospel to common human desires to recognize important events of history.

The Ministry’s agenda and mission often take advantage of all three of these calendars when planning annual events, celebrations, and activities for the Church. When Jewish, Christian, and civic events are considered as themes for the year, it produces an annual life-cycle highlighting redemptive history, Christ’s life, and the common interests of the community.

Here is a list of some of the most important items in each calendar aligned to dates in 2018. Use this when considering the Church’s fellowship, outreaches, sermon titles, and educational topics for the coming year.

Example of a 2018 Ministry Calendar

January 1        New Year’s Day (Sunday, Dec 31)

January 6       Epiphany (Celebration of the Incarnation of God as Jesus)

January 15      Martin Luther King Day

February 4      Super Bowl Sunday

February 12     Lincoln’s Birthday

February 14    St. Valentine’s Day (recognized Sunday 11) / Ash Wednesday (beginning of Lent)

February 19    Presidents Day and Washington’s Birthday

March 4          Lent (40 days of penance before Easter)

March 11         Daylight Saving Time begins

March 17/18   Saint Patrick’s Day (Evangelist for Ireland, recognized Sunday 18)

March 25        Palm Sunday

March 29        Maundy Thursday (celebration of Jesus’ last supper)

March 30        Good Friday (Death of Jesus, service of the Cross)

                        Passover (March 30-April 7) Last Supper/ Passover meal on Friday

April 1              Easter Sunday (Resurrection of Jesus, end of Lent) (April Fool’s Day)

                        Reshit Katzir (festival of the first fruits, Christ rising on this day, 1 Cor 15:20)

April 22           Earth Day

May 3              National Day of Prayer

May 10            Ascension Day (Ascension of Jesus into Heaven)

May 13             Mother’s Day  (honoring of mothers, second Sunday in May)

May 19            Armed Forces Day

May 20            Pentecost Sunday

May 27            Trinity Sunday (celebration of the Trinity)

May 28            Memorial Day (recognition of military who gave their lives for freedom)

May 31             Corpus Christi (Means “body of Christ” celebration of the Lord’s Supper)

June 17           Father’s Day (honoring of fathers)

July 4              Independence Day (recognition of the freedom of America from British rule)

July 22            Parents’ Day

September 3   Labor Day (honoring laborers around the world)

September 9   Grandparents’ Day

September 18/19        Yom Kippur (celebration of candles and fasting preparing for atonement)

September 23-30       Sukkot (celebration of the feast of booths/tabernacles, a time of joy just as

                                    when God covered the Hebrews by a cloud in the desert wanderings)

October 8        Columbus Day

October 28      Reformation Sunday (recognition of the reformers and reformation in Europe)

October 31       All Hallows Eve (Halloween)

November 1    All Saints’ Day

November 4   World Hunger Day / Daylight Saving Time ends

November 11/12 Veterans’ Day (honoring veterans in all military forces, celebrated on Sunday the 11th)

November 22  Thanksgiving Day

November 23  Black Friday  (shopping day on Friday after Thanksgiving)

November 25  Advent begins (5 Sundays including Christmas Sunday)

December 23  Christmas Sunday

December 24  Christmas Eve Day

December 25  Christmas (Birth of Jesus)

December 31   New Year’s Eve (Watchnight services on New Year’s Eve)

Sunday Sabbath (Some Christian groups (e.g. Seventh-Day Adventists, etc.) however, observe the Sabbath on a Saturday much like the Jews do today)



Biblical/Hebrew Festivals

Civic Celebrations For 2018

January 1        New Year’s Day                                  Monday

January 15      Martin Luther King Day                     Monday

January 24     Belly Laugh Day                                 Wednesday

February is      Black History Month

February 2      Groundhog Day                                  Friday

February 4      Super Bowl Sunday                            Sunday

February 12     Lincoln’s Birthday                              Monday

February 13     Mardi Gras Carnival                          Tuesday

February 14    Valentine’s Day / Ash Wednesday  Wednesday

February 19    Presidents Day and Washington’s Birthday  Monday

March is          Women’s History Month

March 11         Daylight Saving Begins                      Sunday

March 17         St. Patrick’s Day                                 Saturday

March 30        Good Friday                                        Friday

April 1              April Fool’s Day                                  Sunday

April 1              Easter                                                 Sunday

April 2             Easter Monday                                   Monday

April 22           Earth Day                                           Sunday

May is             Brain Tumor Awareness Month

May 5              Cinco de Mayo                                     Saturday

May 6              National Day of Prayer                       Sunday

May 13             Mother’s Day                                      Sunday

May 19             Armed Forces Day                             Saturday

May 20            Pentecost                                            Sunday

May 21             Pentecost Monday                              Monday

May 28            Memorial Day                                     Monday

May 31             Corpus Christi                                    Thursday

June 14           Flag Day                                              Thursday

June 17           Father’s Day                                       Sunday

July 4              Independence Day                             Wednesday

July 22             Parents’ Day                                       Sunday

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

September 3   Labor Day                                           Monday

September 8   Columbus Day                                    Monday

September 9   Grandparents’ Day                             Sunday

September 11  Patriot Day or September 11th           Tuesday

September 16 Stepfamily Day                                   Sunday

September 17  Citizenship Day                                  Monday

September 26 See You At The Poll                            Wednesday

September 28 Native American Day                         Friday

October 8        Columbus Day 2018                           Monday

October 14      Pastor Appreciation Day                    Sunday

October 15       Tax Day                                               Monday

October 16      Boss’s Day                                          Tuesday

October 20      Sweetest Day                                      Saturday

October 28      Reformation Sunday                          Sunday

October 31       Halloween                                          Wednesday

November 4   Daylight Saving Ends                         Sunday

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (NRP)

November 11/12  Veterans’ Day,

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP)  Sunday/Monday

November 22  Thanksgiving                                      Thursday

November 23  Black Friday                                       Friday

November 26 Cyber Monday                                     Monday

December 7    Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day       Friday

December 25  Christmas Day                                     Tuesday

December 31   New Year’s Eve                                   Monday



Advent (Celebrated in Western Christianity; also called Nativity Fast in Eastern Christianity)

All Saints’ Day (celebration of a particular saint)

All Souls’ Day (celebration of a particular martyr)

Ash Wednesday (Beginning of Lent)

Christmas (Birth of Jesus)

Easter (Resurrection of Jesus, end of Lent)

Easter Monday (Monday following Easter Sunday, not part of the Easter Triduum)

Easter Triduum

Holy Thursday (Celebration of The Last Supper, foot wahsich)

Good Friday (Death of Jesus)

Holy Saturday (celebration of Jesus’ body resting in the grave)

Easter Vigil (a prayer service or sunrise service on Easter morning)

Epiphany (Celebration of the Incarnation of God as Jesus)

Feast of Corpus Christi (Sacrifice of Jesus)

Feast of the Annunciation (Conception of Jesus)

Feast of the Ascension (Ascension of Jesus into Heaven)

Feast of the Assumption (Assumption of the Virgin Mary)

Feast of the Divine Mercy

Feast of the Holy Innocents (Also called the Massacre of the Innocents)

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Feast of the Presentation (Also known as Candlemas)

Feast of the Sacred Heart

Lent (40 days of penance before Easter)

Mardi Gras or Shrove Tuesday (Last day of Carnival, last day before Ash Wednesday)

Pentecost (Also called Whitsunday in the United Kingdom and Ireland; descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus)

Sunday Sabbath (Some Christian groups (e.g. Seventh-Day Adventists, etc.) however, observe the Saturday Sabbath much like the Jews)

Watchnight services on New Year’s Eve (prayer service for the new year)



Advent in the Christian religion is the four-week period before Christmas Day.

Annunciation Sunday is March 25th, when Christians remember the day when the Virgin Mary was told by a messenger from God that she would be the mother of Jesus Christ.

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent (the period before Easter during when Christians traditionally eat less or stop doing something that they enjoy).

Christmas Day is December 25th when Christians celebrate the day Jesus Christ was born.

Easter Day is a Sunday in March or April when Christians celebrate the time when Jesus Christ died then returned to life according to the Bible (date changes with the season).

Easter the holiday period that includes Easter day.

Easter Sunday the Sunday in March or April that Easter is celebrated on.

Epiphany is on January 6th, celebrated by Christians as the day that the baby Jesus Christ was visited by three kings or wise men, according to the Bible.

Good Friday is the Friday before Easter, which Christians remember as the day that Jesus Christ died.

The Harvest Festival is the occasion in autumn when people go to church to thank God for food, especially the food that has been collected during the harvest.

Holy Week in the Christian religion is the week before Easter Sunday.

Lent is the period of 40 days before Easter, starting on Ash Wednesday when some Christians stop eating or doing something they enjoy.

The Marching Season is the time of year when Protestant groups march through the streets of Northern Ireland to celebrate historical events.

Mardi Gras (AKA American Shrove or Shrove Tuesday) is on a Tuesday in February. It was the last day before Lent (the season to give up something) where Christians ate a sumptuous meal. This celebration has become an immoral secular feast and is rarely celebrated in the Church.

Maundy Thursday the Thursday before Easter when Christians celebrate the Last Supper of Jesus Christ.

Michaelmas is September 29th when some Christians remember Saint Michael. It is a movable feast (religious holiday) that is recognized on a different date in different years.

Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter when Christians remember Christ’s journey to Jerusalem before he died.

Pancake Day is an informal celebration on a Tuesday before the Christian period of Lent begins when people traditionally eat pancakes.

The Sabbath is a day for people of some religions to rest and pray. The Jewish Sabbath is Saturday and the Christian Sabbath is Sunday and is often called “The Lord’s Day.”

All Saint’s Day is the day of the year chosen to honor a particular saint.

Whitsun is the seventh Sunday after Easter when Christians celebrate the time when the Holy Spirit came from Heaven to Earth. The American word is Pentecost.



Chag HaMatzot (Feast of Unleavened Bread)

Hanukkah (Also spelled: Chanukah; the Festival of Lights or the Feast of Dedication)

Passover (Deliverance of Jews from slavery in Egypt)

Purim (Sometimes called the Festival of Lots; Deliverance of Jews in Persia from Haman)

Reshit Katzir (Feast of Firstfruits)

Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets; Jewish New Year)

Shabbat (The Sabbath – day of rest, the seventh day of the week, and the holiest day of the week Saturday)

Shavuot (Feast of Weeks; Harvest Festival)

Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)

Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)

Lag B’Omer (Jewish holiday celebrated on the 33rd day of the Counting of the Omer, which occurs on the 18th day of the Hebrew month of Iyar)

Shemini Atzeret (Beginning of the rainy season in Israel, sometimes confused as being the 8th day of Sukkot)

Simchat Torah (Completion of the Sefer Torah)

Tisha B’Av (Day commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temples)

Tu Bishvat (New year of the trees)



Father’s Day (date varies widely, e.g. third Sunday in June in most of North America)

Halloween (31 October, especially in the UK and former British colonies, including the US, Canada, and Australia). Formerly All Hallows’ Eve, it is a highly secularized outgrowth of Christian All Saints’ Day and pagan Celtic Samhain (both on 1 November)

Independence Day is the day America celebrates its independence from British rule.

International Day of Peace (21 September, decided by the fifty-fifth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations)

International Men’s Day (19 November in Canada, Australia, India, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, Singapore, South Africa and Malta)

International Women’s Day (8 March, particularly in former Soviet bloc countries and mainland China)

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a day to celebrate American civil liberties and to honor what Dr. King stood for.

May Day, Labour Day, or Worker’s Day (1 May in most countries. The United States and Canada both celebrate on the first Monday in September)

Memorial Day is when those fallen in the armed services are honored and recognized.

Mother’s Day (date varies widely, e.g. second Sunday in May in parts of North America, 10 May in Mexico; in the UK it is on the fourth Sunday in Lent and has an Anglican origin)

Saint Patrick’s Day (17 March in Ireland, the US, Canada, and other countries by people of Irish descent or heritage)

Saint Valentine’s Day (14 February in the United States, Canada and many other countries as a day to celebrate love and affection)

Various President’s Birthdays are used to honor early American Presidents and what they stood for.

Veteran’s Day is when current veterans of the armed services are honored and recognized.


For those of you working with teens, here is a 2018 calendar of goofy days you can add to a newsletter, e-mails, or in other places to have fun with the calendar.

Weird Days to Recognize for Youth Groups 2018

Mon, January 1                  Polar Bear Plunge Day

Tue, January 2                    Run It up the Flagpole and See If Anyone Salutes It Day

Tue, January 2                    Science Fiction Day

Wed, January 3                  Festival of Sleep Day

Wed, January 3                  Fruitcake Toss Day

Thu, January 4                   National Spaghetti Day

Thu, January 4                   Trivia Day

Fri, January 5                      Bird Day

Sat, January 6                     Bean Day

Sun, January 7                    Old Rock Day

Mon, January 8                  Earth’s Rotation Day

Tue, January 9                    Static Electricity Day

Tue, January 9                    Word Nerd Day

Tue, January 9                    Clean Off Your Desk Day

Wed, January 10               Cut Your Energy Costs Day

Thu, January 11                 Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day

Fri, January 12                   Kiss A Ginger Day

Fri, January 12                   Marzipan Day

Sat, January 13                  Make Your Dreams Come True Day

Sun, January 14                 Organize Your Home Day

Mon, January 15               National Hat Day

Mon, January 15               Strawberry Ice Cream Day

Tue, January 16                 Blue Monday

Tue, January 16                 Nothing Day

Wed, January 17               Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day

Wed, January 17               Kid Inventors’ Day

Wed, January 17               Benjamin Franklin Day

Thu, January 18                 Thesaurus Day

Thu, January 18                 Winnie The Pooh Day

Fri, January 19                   Tin Can Day

Fri, January 19                   Popcorn Day

Sat, January 20                  Penguin Awareness Day

Sun, January 21                 Squirrel Appreciation Day

Sun, January 21                 Soup Swap Day

Sun, January 21                 National Hug Day

Mon, January 22               Hot Sauce Day

Tue, January 23                 National Pie Day

Tue, January 23                 Handwriting Day

Wed, January 24               National Peanut Butter Day

Wed, January 24               Macintosh Computer Day

Wed, January 24               Compliment Day

Thu, January 25                 Opposite Day

Fri, January 26                   National Spouses Day

Sat, January 27                  e-Day

Sat, January 27                  Chocolate Cake Day

Sun, January 28                 Data Privacy Day

Sun, January 28                 Fun at Work Day

Mon, January 29               Puzzle Day

Tue, January 30                 Croissant Day

Wed, January 31               Backwards Day

Fri, February 2                   Play Your Ukulele Day

Fri, February 2                   Day of the Crêpe

Sat, February 3                  Carrot Cake Day

Sat, February 3                  Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

Sun, February 4                 Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

Sun, February 4                 Stuffed Mushroom Day

Sun, February 4                 Create a Vacuum Day

Sun, February 4                 Thank Your Mailman Day

Mon, February 5               Chocolate Fondue Day

Mon, February 5               National Weatherperson’s Day

Mon, February 5               World Nutella Day

Tue, February 6                 Lame Duck Day

Wed, February 7               Safer Internet Day

Wed, February 7               e-Day

Wed, February 7               Send a Card to a Friend Day

Thu, February 8                 Laugh and Get Rich Day

Fri, February 9                   National Bagel Day

Fri, February 9                   Toothache Day

Fri, February 9                   National Pizza Day

Sat, February 10                Umbrella Day

Sun, February 11               Make a Friend Day

Sun, February 11               Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day

Mon, February 12             Darwin Day

Tue, February 13               Clean Out Your Computer Day

Wed, February 14             Ferris Wheel Day

Wed, February 14             Library Lovers Day

Thu, February 15              Singles Awareness Day

Thu, February 15              Gumdrop Day

Fri, February 16                 Do a Grouch a Favor Day

Sat, February 17                Random Act of Kindness Day

Sun, February 18               Battery Day

Mon, February 19             Chocolate Mint Day

Tue, February 20               National Love Your Pet Day

Tue, February 20               Hoodie Hoo Day

Thu, February 22              Single Tasking Day

Thu, February 22              Be Humble Day

Thu, February 22              World Thinking Day

Fri, February 23                International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day

Fri, February 23                 National Chili Day

Sat, February 24                Tortilla Chip Day

Sun, February 25               World Sword Swallowers Day

Mon, February 26             Pistachio Day

Mon, February 26             Tell a Fairy Tale Day

Mon, February 26             National Wear Red Day

Tue, February 27               No Brainer Day

Wed, February 28             Rare Disease Day

Wed, February 28             Public Sleeping Day

Thu, March 1                      World Compliment Day

Thu, March 1                      National Pig Day

Thu, March 1                      Plan a Solo Vacation Day

Fri, March 2                        Dr. Seuss Day

Fri, March 2                        Old Stuff Day

Sat, March 3                       I Want You to be Happy Day

Sat, March 3                       National Corndog Day

Sun, March 4                      March Forth and Do Something Day

Mon, March 5                    Learn What Your Name Means Day

Mon, March 5                    Cinco de Marcho

Tue, March 6                      National Oreo Day

Tue, March 6                      Dentist’s Day

Wed, March 7                    Alexander Graham Bell Day

Wed, March 7                    National Cereal Day

Thu, March 8                      Proofreading Day

Fri, March 9                        National Meatball Day

Sat, March 10                     Mario Day

Sun, March 11                    Oatmeal Nut Waffle Day

Mon, March 12                  Alfred Hitchcock Day

Tue, March 13                    Jewel Day

Tue, March 13                    Napping Day

Wed, March 14                  Pi Day

Wed, March 14                  Steak and BJ Day

Thu, March 15                   Everything You Think is Wrong Day

Thu, March 15                   Ides of March

Fri, March 16                      Absolutely Incredible Kid Day

Fri, March 16                      Every Thing You Do is Right Day

Sat, March 17                     Submarine Day

Sun, March 18                    Awkward Moments Day

Mon, March 19                  Let’s Laugh Day

Tue, March 20                    World Storytelling Day

Tue, March 20                    Proposal Day

Wed, March 21                  Common Courtesy Day

Thu, March 22                   National Goof Off Day

Fri, March 23                      Near Miss Day

Fri, March 23                      OK Day

Fri, March 23                      Puppy Day

Sat, March 24                     Chocolate Covered Raisins Day

Sun, March 25                    Waffle Day

Sun, March 25                    Tolkien Reading Day

Mon, March 26                  Make Up Your Own Holiday Day

Mon, March 26                  Purple Day

Tue, March 27                    Spanish Paella Day

Wed, March 28                  Something on a Stick Day

Thu, March 29                   Smoke and Mirrors Day

Fri, March 30                      Take a Walk in the Park Day

Fri, March 30                      National Doctors’ Day

Sat, March 31                     Bunsen Burner Day

Sat, March 31                     National Crayon Day

Sunday, April 1                  April Fool’s Day

Tue, April 3                         World Party Day

Wed, April 4                       Tell a Lie Day

Thu, April 5                         Read a Road Map Day

Thu, April 5                         First Contact Day

Fri, April 6                            Sorry Charlie Day

Fri, April 6                            National Tartan Day

Sat, April 7                           Walk to Work Day

Tue, April 10                       Siblings Day

Wed, April 11                     Barbershop Quartet Day

Wed, April 11                     Be Kind to Lawyers Day

Wed, April 11                     National Pet Day

Thu, April 12                       Grilled Cheese Day

Thu, April 12                       Yuri’s Night

Fri, April 13                         Scrabble Day

Sat, April 14                        International Moment of Laughter Day

Sat, April 14                        Reach as High as You Can Day

Sat, April 14                        Look up the Sky Day

Sun, April 15                       Record Store Day

Mon, April 16                     Eggs Benedict Day

Mon, April 16                     Wear Pajamas to Work Day

Tue, April 17                       Herbalist Day

Tue, April 17                       Haiku Poetry Day

Wed, April 18                     Columnist Day

Thu, April 19                       Bicycle Day

Fri, April 20                         Look Alike Day

Fri, April 20                         National High Five Day

Fri, April 20                         Lima Bean Respect Day

Sat, April 21                        The Day of Silence

Sat, April 21                        National Tea Day

Sun, April 22                       Earth Day

Sun, April 22                       Jelly Bean Day

Mon, April 23                     Take a Chance Day

Mon, April 23                     Impossible Astronaut Day

Mon, April 23                     Lover’s Day

Tue, April 24                       Poem in Your Pocket Day

Wed, April 25                     DNA Day

Thu, April 26                       Pretzel Day

Thu, April 26                       Richter Scale Day

Fri, April 27                        Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work Day

Fri, April 27                         World Pinhole Photography Day

Sun, April 29                       Zipper Day

Sun, April 29                       International Dance Day

Sun, April 29                       Astronomy Day

Mon, April 30                     Honesty Day

Tue, May 1                          Batman Day

Fri, May 4                            Star Wars Day

Sat, May 5                           No Pants Day

Sat, May 5                           Space Day

Sun, May 6                          Herb Day

Sun, May 6                          World Laughter Day

Sun, May 6                          Free Comic Book Day

Sun, May 6                          Beverage Day

Sun, May 6                          International No Diet Day

Wed, May 9                        Lost Sock Memorial Day

Wed, May 9                        Europe Day

Thu, May 10                        National School Nurse Day

Thu, May 10                        Clean Up Your Room Day

Fri, May 11                          Twilight Zone Day

Fri, May 11                          Eat What You Want Day

Sat, May 12                         Limerick Day

Sat, May 12                         Military Spouse Appreciation Day

Sun, May 13                        Frog Jumping Day

Mon, May 14                      Dance Like a Chicken Day

Tue, May 15                        Chocolate Chip Day

Wed, May 17                      Pack Rat Day

Fri, May 18                          No Dirty Dishes Day

Fri, May 19                          May Ray Day

Fri, May 19                          Pizza Party Day

Fri, May 19                          Bike to Work Day

Sun, May 20                        Be a Millionaire Day

Mon, May 21                      Talk Like Yoda Day

Tue, May 22                        Buy a Musical Instrument Day

Wed, May 23                      World Turtle Day

Thu, May 24                        Scavenger Hunt Day

Fri, May 25                          Towel Day

Fri, May 25                          Sing Out Day

Sat, May 26                         World Lindy Hop Day

Sat, May 26                         National Paper Airplane Day

Sun, May 27                        Mon Screen Day

Mon, May 28                      Hamburger Day

Tue, May 29                        Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day

Wed, May 30                      My Bucket’s Got a Hole Day

Thu, May 31                        Macaroon Day

Fri, June 1                            Say Something Nice Day

Sat, June 2                           Leave the Office Early Day

Sat, June 2                           National Donut Day

Sun, June 3                          Repeat Day

Mon, June 4                        National Cheese Day

Mon, June 4                        Hug Your Cat Day

Wed, June 6                        Drive-In Movie Day

Thu, June 7                         National Running Day

Thu, June 7                         VCR Day

Fri, June 8                            Best Friends Day

Sat, June 9                           Donald Duck Day

Sun, June 10                       Iced Tea Day

Mon, June 11                     Corn on the Cob Day

Tue, June 12                       Red Rose Day

Wed, June 13                     International Axe Throwing Day

Wed, June 13                     Sewing Machine Day

Fri, June 15                          Nature Photography Day

Sat, June 16                        Bloomsday

Sun, June 17                       World Juggling Day

Sun, June 17                       Eat Your Vegetables Day

Mon, June 18                     International Picnic Day

Mon, June 18                     International Panic Day

Tue, June 19                       Sauntering Day

Wed, June 20                     International Surfing Day

Thu, June 21                       National Selfie Day

Thu, June 21                       Daylight Appreciation Day

Thu, June 21                       Go Skateboarding Day

Fri, June 22                          Onion Ring Day

Sat, June 23                        Take Your Dog to Work Day

Sat, June 23                        Typewriter Day

Sat, June 23                        National Pink Day

Sun, June 24                       Swim a Lap Day

Mon, June 25                     Please Take My Children to Work Day

Tue, June 26                       Chocolate Pudding Day

Wed, June 27                     Helen Keller Day

Thu, June 28                       Christopher Street Day

Thu, June 28                       Tau Day

Thu, June 28                       CAPS LOCK DAY

Fri, June 29                          Camera Day

Sat, June 30                        Meteor Watch Day

Sun, July 1                           International Joke Day

Mon, July 2                         World UFO Day

Mon, July 2                         I Forgot Day

Tue, July 3                           International Plastic Bag Free Day

Tue, July 3                           Compliment Your Mirror Day

Wed, July 4                         Sidewalk Egg Frying Day

Thu, July 5                           Workaholics Day

Fri, July 6                              National Fried Chicken Day

Fri, July 6                              World Kissing Day

Sat, July 7                             Tell the Truth Day

Sat, July 7                             International Free Hugs Day

Sun, July 8                           Video Games Day

Sun, July 8                           Math 2.0 Day

Mon, July 9                         Sugar Cookie Day

Tue, July 10                         Teddy Bears’ Picnic Day

Tue, July 10                         Clerihew Day

Wed, July 11                       Cheer Up the Lonely Day

Thu, July 12                         Simplicity Day

Fri, July 13                           National French Fry Day

Fri, July 13                           Embrace Your Geekness Day

Sat, July 14                          Pandemonium Day

Sun, July 15                         Gummi Worm Day

Mon, July 16                       National Ice Cream Day

Mon, July 16                       Corn Fritters Day

Tue, July 17                         World Emoji Day

Tue, July 17                         Yellow Pig Day

Wed, July 18                       Caviar Day

Thu, July 19                         Stick Out Your Tongue Day

Thu, July 19                         National Hot Dog Day

Fri, July 20                           Space Exploration Day

Sat, July 21                          Junk Food Day

Sun, July 22                         Pi Approximation Day

Mon, July 23                       Vanilla Ice Cream Day

Tue, July 24                         Cousins Day

Wed, July 25                       Culinarians Day

Wed, July 25                       Christmas in July Day

Thu, July 26                         Uncle and Aunt Day

Fri, July 27                           Take your Pants for a Walk Day

Sat, July 28                          Milk Chocolate Day

Sun, July 29                         National Chicken Wing Day

Sun, July 29                         Lasagna Day

Sun, July 29                         National Dance Day

Mon, July 30                       National Cheesecake Day

Tue, July 31                         National Mutt Day

Tue, July 31                         Uncommon Musical Instrument Day

Wed, August 1                   Girlfriend’s Day

Wed, August 1                   Yorkshire Day

Thu, August 2                     Ice Cream Sandwich Day

Fri, August 3                       Watermelon Day

Sat, August 4                      Single Working Women’s Day

Sun, August 5                     Work Like a Dog Day

Sun, August 5                     International Friendship Day

Mon, August 6                   Fresh Breath Day

Mon, August 6                   Sisters’ Day

Tue, August 7                     Lighthouse Day

Wed, August 8                   Happiness Happens Day

Wed, August 8                   International Cat Day

Thu, August 9                     Book Lovers Day

Fri, August 10                     National S’mores Day

Fri, August 10                     Lazy Day

Sat, August 11                    Son and Daughter Day

Sun, August 12                   Middle Child Day

Mon, August 13                 Left-Handers Day

Tue, August 14                  Creamsicle Day

Wed, August 15                 Pythagorean Theorem Day

Wed, August 15                 Relaxation Day

Thu, August 16                  Tell a Joke Day

Fri, August 17                     Thrift Shop Day

Sat, August 18                    Mail Order Catalog Day

Sun, August 19                   World Photo Day

Mon, August 20                 Chocolate Pecan Pie Day

Wed, August 22                 Be An Angel Day

Thu, August 23                  Ride Like the Wind Day

Fri, August 24                     National Waffle Day

Fri, August 24                     Pluto Demoted Day

Sat, August 25                    Kiss and Make up Day

Sun, August 26                   National Dog Day

Sun, August 26                   Dog Appreciation Day

Mon, August 27                 The Duchess Who Wasn’t Day

Tue, August 28                   Bow Tie Day

Wed, August 29                 According to Hoyle Day

Thu, August 30                  Frankenstein Day

Fri, August 31                     Eat Outside Day

Sat, September 1             No Rhyme or Reason Day

Sat, September 1             Emma Nutt Day

Sat, September 1             Random Acts of Kindness Day

Sun, September 2            Bison Ten Yell Day

Mon, September 3          Skyscraper Day

Tue, September 4            Eat an Extra Dessert Day

Wed, September 5          Cheese Pizza Day

Wed, September 5          Be Late for Something Day

Thu, September 6            Read a Book Day

Thu, September 6            Fight Procrastination Day

Fri, September 7               Salami Day

Sat, September 8             Pardon Day

Sun, September 9            Teddy Bear Day

Mon, September 10        Swap Ideas Day

Tue, September 11          Make Your Bed Day

Wed, September 12        National Video Game Day

Wed, September 12        Chocolate Milkshake Day

Thu, September 13          Roald Dahl Day

Thu, September 13          Positive Thinking Day

Thu, September 13          International Chocolate Day

Fri, September 14            Hug Your Hound Day

Sat, September 15           International Dot Day

Sat, September 15           Make a Hat Day

Sun, September 16          Guacamole Day

Sun, September 16          Collect Rocks Day

Mon, September 17        International Country Music Day

Mon, September 17        Wife Appreciation Day

Tue, September 18          Rice Krispie Treat Day

Tue, September 18          National Cheeseburger Day

Wed, September 19        National Gymnastics Day

Wed, September 19        International Talk Like a Pirate Day

Thu, September 20          Punch Day

Fri, September 21            Miniature Golf Day

Sat, September 22           Mabon

Sat, September 22           Hobbit Day

Sun, September 23          Checkers Day

Mon, September 24        Punctuation Day

Tue, September 25          Comic Book Day

Wed, September 26        Love Note Day

Wed, September 26        Johnny Appleseed Day

Thu, September 27          Crush a Can Day

Fri, September 28            Ask a Stupid Question Day

Fri, September 28            Good Neighbor Day

Sat, September 29           National Coffee Day

Sun, September 30          Astronomy Day

Sun, September 30          Hot Mulled Cider Day

Sun, September 30          National Public Lands Day

Mon, October 1                 International Coffee Day

Mon, October 1                 Balloons Around the World Day

Tue, October 2                   Phileas Fogg Wager Day

Wed, October 3                 National Boyfriend Day

Thu, October 4                  World Animal Day

Thu, October 4                  Taco Day

Fri, October 5                     Chic Spy Day

Sat, October 6                    World Smile Day

Sat, October 6                    Mad Hatter Day

Sun, October 7                   Frappé Day

Sun, October 7                   Card Making Day

Mon, October 8                 Pastor Appreciation Day

Mon, October 8                 Pierogi Day

Tue, October 9                   Curious Events Day

Wed, October 10              Handbag Day

Thu, October 11                It’s My Party Day

Fri, October 12                   Old Farmers Day

Sat, October 13                 International Skeptics Day

Sun, October 14                National Dessert Day

Mon, October 15              I Love Lucy Day

Tue, October 16                National Clean Out Your Virtual Desktop Day

Tue, October 16                Dictionary Day

Wed, October 17              Wear Something Gaudy Day

Wed, October 17              National Pasta Day

Thu, October 18                Chocolate Cupcake Day

Fri, October 20                   International Sloth Day

Sun, October 21                Count your Buttons Day

Sun, October 21                 Sweetest Day

Sun, October 21                 Apple Day

Sun, October 21                  International Day of the nacho

Mon, October 22              National Nut Day

Mon, October 22              CAPS LOCK DAY

Tue, October 23               Mole Day

Wed, October 24              Bologna Day

Thu, October 25                Sourest Day

Fri, October 26                   Howl at the Moon Day and Night

Fri, October 26                   National Pumpkin Day

Fri, October 27                   National Black Cat Day

Sun, October 28                  National Chocolate Day

Sun, October 28                  International Observe the Moon Night

Sun, October 28                  International Animation Day

Sun, October 28                 Make a Difference Day

Mon, October 29              National Cat Day

Mon, October 29              Internet Day

Tue, October 30                 Candy Corn Day

Tue, October 30                Mischief Night

Wed, October 31              Magic Day

Thu, November 1             Author’s Day

Fri, November 2               Men Make Dinner Day

Fri, November 2               Deviled Eggs Day

Sat, November 3              Sandwich Day

Sun, November 4             Common Sense Day

Mon, November 5           Zero Tasking Day

Tue, November 6             Saxophone Day

Wed, November 7            Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day

Thu, November 8             Tongue Twister Day

Fri, November 9                Chaos Never Dies Day

Sat, November 10            Forget Me Not Day

Sat, November 10            Vanilla Cupcake Day

Sun, November 11           Origami Day

Tue, November 13           World Kindness Day

Tue, November 13           Sadie Hawkins Day

Wed, November 14         Pickle Day

Wed, November 14         Spicy Guacamole Day

Thu, November 15           America Recycles Day

Thu, November 15           Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

Fri, November 16             Use Less Stuff Day

Fri, November 16             Fast Food Day

Sat, November 17            Take A Hike Day

Sun, November 18           National Adoption Day

Sun, November 18           Mickey Mouse Birthday

Sun, November 18           Push Button Phone Day

Mon, November 20         National Absurdity Day

Wed, November 21         World Hello Day

Thu, November 22           Go for a Ride Day

Fri, November 23             Fibonacci Day

Fri, November 23             National Day of Mourning

Sat, November 24            Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day

Sat, November 24            Buy Nothing Day

Sun, November 25           Shopping Reminder Day

Mon, November 26         Cake Day

Wed, November 28         Red Planet Day

Thu, November 29           Electronic Greeting Card Day

Fri, November 30             Computer Security Day

Sat, December 1               Eat a Red Apple Day

Sun, December 2              National Mutt Day

Sun, December 2              Fritters Day

Mon, December 3            Make a Gift Day

Tue, December 4              National Cookie Day

Tue, December 4              Wear Brown Shoes Day

Wed, December 5            Day of the Ninja

Thu, December 6              Put on Your Own Shoes Day

Thu, December 6              Microwave Oven Day

Fri, December 7                 Letter Writing Day

Sat, December 8               National Brownie Day

Sat, December 8               Official Lost and Found Day

Sat, December 8               Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day

Sun, December 9              Christmas Card Day

Mon, December 10          Jane Addams Day

Mon, December 10          Dewey Decimal System Day

Tue, December 11            Noodle Ring Day

Wed, December 12          Gingerbread House Day

Thu, December 13           Christmas Jumper Day

Fri, December 14              Monkey Day

Sat, December 15             National Cupcake Day

Sun, December 16            Chocolate Covered Anything Day

Sun, December 16            Free Shipping Day

Mon, December 17          Wright Brothers Day

Wed, December 19          Underdog Day

Wed, December 19          Ugly Sweater Day

Thu, December 20           Sangria Day

Thu, December 20           National Regifting Day

Fri, December 21              International Dalek Remembrance Day

Fri, December 21              Yule

Sat, December 22             Date Nut Bread Day

Sun, December 23            Festivus

Mon, December 24          Eggnog Day

Tue, December 25            Grav Mass Day

Tue, December 25            Alphabet Day or No quote Day

Wed, December 26          Thank You Note Day

Thu, December 27           No Interruptions Day

Fri, December 28              Card Playing Day

Sat, December 29             Pepper Pot Day

Sun, December 30            Bicarbonate of Soda Day

Sun, December 30            National Bacon Day

Mon, December 31          Make Up Your Mind Day

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