February 23, 2025

God the Almighty

Majesty is an unfamiliar concept in Ameria. We elect a president, not a monarchy. This makes it difficult to fully grasp a person being majestic. In the first talk, we  concluded that Jesus was the most famous person we will ever meet. He is Majesty and his majesty is more glorious than any structure built by human beings.

Knowing Jesus gloriously reigns impacts on our lives. That impact occurs when we come to worship on Sunday morning.

Part two of six

Recently, in South Carolina, my family and I experienced a full solar eclipse. We drove down to a rest area off of I-26 just west of Columbia. It lasted for over two hours but the actual shadow of the moon only lasted 90 seconds.

Darkness Filled the Sky

When the moon completely covered the sun, it became so dark the parking lights came on, the traffic on the interstate turned their headlights on, and frogs began croaking as if it was evening.

As amazing as that moment was, what was even more amazing was the sun’s power to illuminate the earth. With 99% of the sun covered, it still lit the earth. We often take for granted the power of the Sun until it’s hidden in an event like a solar eclipse.

This is an amazing picture photographed a million miles out in space by NASA’s Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC).

It captured 12 natural color images of the moon’s shadow crossing over North America on August 21, 2017.

The second characteristic of majesty is power. Add to the concept of glory God’s power and you begin to grasp the majesty of Christ.

2) Jesus is powerful

He is clothed in glory and strength. Jesus wears robes of majesty and wears the armor of strength. God is able to support his greatness. Therefore, he can do anything. Nothing is impossible with God. God birthed his son using a virgin. Is anything more impossible? Jesus taught even the smallest amount of faith can move mountainous obstacles because God is powerful (Mt. 17:20).

God Powers Himself

God powers himself. He is not dependent upon any other resource than himself. His power will never be depleted. He is and remains in control. Divine resources are adequate, assurance is secured, and confidence is warranted because God’s power is prevailing. God’s world is firmly established because Jesus is strong. The world cannot be destroyed. Only Jesus has the power to sustain or change the world.  We can improve or destroy some aspects of life, but upon Christ’s return, he will make an entirely new heaven and earth because he is the only one who can do so.

Climate Change

Many humans fear climate change. They think we are powerful enough to destroy the earth. According to the Bible, we are not. The only one with enough power to control the atmosphere, or destroy the Earth, or radically affect its temperature is Jesus.

God so firmly established the earth that it cannot be moved. Trusting God relieves the fear that geopolitical decisions cause permanent global disruptions. Even a nuclear threat is nothing compared to the control God maintains over his creation. We should fear the hand of God more than the threats of wicked people.

Mount St. Helen

This canyon, called by some “The Little Grand Canyon” is 1,000 feet wide, 140 feet deep, and 2,000 feet long.

The eruption of Mount St. Helen displayed God’s power in nature.  It’s a good example of why we should fear God. Its explosion caused a huge depletion in the ozone level, one of the fears contributing to global warming. The hole in the atmosphere was immense. It happened quicker than anything attributed to human activity. Yet, within months it was restored.

Molten lava ran down the mountain destroying vegetation for hundreds of acres. Yet, those fields today are lush and productive again. That lava carved a canyon out of strata of rock over a hundred feet deep and almost half a mile long. Evolutionist would speculate that such erosion would take hundreds of thousands of years. Yet, it happened in nine hours. Volcanoes show God’s mighty strength over creation. It was awesome.

God Establishes and Secures

With the same strength God established and secured the earth, he also establishes and secures his Church. Not even the gates of hell can thwart his plans. “I will build my church,” Jesus said, “and the gates of Hades will not overcome it” (Mt 16:18 NIV). Our mission and future are secured by the mighty power and strength of the risen Savior.

God Almighty visits with us in worship as the powerful God of creation. Never allow discouragement to overcome you. God will accomplish his will, have his way, and care for you.

“The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed in majesty and is armed with strength. The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved (Ps 93:1 NIV).

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