March 28, 2025

The Power of Truth

Speaking the truth is more powerful than lies. A lie requires constant deception and continuing lies to support itself. Its foundation is so weak that once discovered it is rejected. Truth, on the other hand, is powerful. Truth needs no support. Truth is the pillar of knowledge and wisdom with all of creation grounded in truth. The truth may be denied and ignored for a period of time, but it will eventually overcome all lies.

Part five of six

To understand and celebrate the majesty of Christ takes a bit of mental strength. His majesty is so enormous that the Bible uses six words that when combined explain how majestic Jesus is. We have talked about the majesty of Jesus being glorious, powerful, eternal, and triumphant. Each characteristic highlights a benefit we enjoy as we place our faith in the Majestic One. This next characteristic is not to be separated from the other six. Often we think of truth as something abstract. Truth to God is not impersonal facts. To God, truth is personal. The truth of God’s Word is the pillar upon which this world was created (2 Pet 3:5-7) and the foundation of salvation in Christ (Jm 1:18).

We have talked about the majesty of Jesus being glorious, powerful, eternal, and triumphant. Each characteristic highlights a benefit we enjoy as we place our faith in the Majestic One. This next characteristic is not to be separated from the other six. Often we think of truth as something abstract. Truth to God is not impersonal facts. To God, truth is personal. The truth of God’s Word is the pillar upon which this world was created (2 Pet 3:5-7) and the foundation of salvation in Christ (Jm 1:18).

5) Jesus is the truth

Nothing is more powerful than truth. God reigns by the power of his Word, and his Word’s authority comes from it being true and reliable. Jesus spoke true words. He only said what he learned from his heavenly Father (Jn 7:17, 8:28). This means every biblical prophecy will come true because God knows the future. All his promises will be fulfilled because he is faithful and true to his Word. Everything he wills happens, in due time, because truth conforms to reality and God controls reality.

Truth is so much a part of God’s nature that Jesus claimed to be “The Truth” (Jn 14:6). Pilate was so ignorant of the truth that when it stood before him and stared him in the face he couldn’t recognize it (Jn 18:38).

Trusting in Jesus never disappoints because what we believe is true. As a young boy, I accepted Christ as my Savior and his Word as true. That commitment cost me most of my friends. When my peers in middle school realized my commitment to Christ meant living an honorable and dignified life, they quit inviting me to parties. To a teen boy, friends were everything. To lose them was devastating. I wasn’t told when I prayed to receive Christ that it would cost me, my friends. Jesus became my best friend and the Bible became his correspondence with me to encourage my faith.

Through it all, God didn’t disappoint me. In fact, I have experienced disappointments and failures, yet, God remained true to his Word. He gave me an abundant life and has satisfied my deepest longings. I can truthfully say he has never disappointed me.

One of my favorite verses as a young man was Romans 10:11 “As the Scripture says, ‘Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame'” (NIV). The Greek word “Kataischuno” means to be disgraced or to feel shame. But when used in the passive sense it can also mean to be disappointed in something or someone. The NASB translates this word “disappointed” to emphasize faith in God doesn’t lead you to dismay. Isaiah spoke of God not disgracing him for trusting in the Messiah (Isa 28:16). Trusting in God will never bring us lasting shame because he is a God who never disappoints.

I trusted that God’s Word was true and that he wouldn’t disappoint me. It was a watershed moment when I realized that God replaced my old friends with new ones, who to this day have remained true friends. I lost temporary friends to gain eternal friends. In Christ, we find believers who, like Jesus, love us for who we are and not for the benefits they receive from us. How can anyone deny Jesus who is always truthful and never disappoints?

We believe eternal truth when we trust Jesus’ words and practice what the Bible says. Christians are to live according to the authority of truth. All truth is God’s truth, whether it be statements from the Bible, confirmed scientific information, or observable phenomena in nature. God is truth and what he does and says is trustworthy and dependable.

Rest assured that trusting in Jesus will not disappoint because you are believing what is true. We believe eternal truth and are to live in this world on the authority of truth.Being truthful is part of what it means to be a Christian. Our testimony is observed by others through our consistency and faithfulness to God’s Word. When they see our faith in the truthfulness of the Scriptures it either convicts them of their lack of faith or it encourages them also to trust in the Bible. Jesus gives us grace and truth so that we will be people of grace and truth.

The Bible has a powerful influence on those who read it and trust its content because it is true. Truth has a way of shedding light on otherwise dark ideas and subjects. Since Jesus is The Truth, a relationship with him as truth also powerfully influences those whom he resides in by his Spirit. Truth is a pillar for all relationship as trust and contentment require being truthful with each other. Having a relationship with Jesus who is The Truth means his relationship is primary and most influential when learning how to relate to others.

Being truthful is part of what it means to be a Christian. Our testimony is observed by others through our consistency and faithfulness to God’s Word. When they see our faith in the truthfulness of the Scriptures it either convicts them of their lack of faith or it encourages them also to trust in the Bible. Jesus gives us grace and truth so that we will be people of grace and truth.”Your statutes stand firm” (Ps 93:5a NIV).

“Your statutes stand firm” (Ps 93:5a NIV).

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