January 27, 2025


Website is now available worldwide

As promised, we are launching this website today. We begin with a series on why people fear to share their faith. We calling it Euangelophobia, which is a combination of two Greek New Testament words that mean good news and fear.

Why are people so afraid to share their faith? There are a number of reasons, and for the next three weeks we will explore those reasons and suggest biblical solutions for overcoming the fear of sharing the good news. Enjoy!

Sign Up

Signing up to receive these talks is easy. Just go to the resource page and subscribe. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday you will receive a topical resource designed to strengthen your faith and resource your teaching, preaching, and leadership ministry. Also, we will be posting resources for ministry several times a month, so visit often and tell your friends about this new resource for Christian ministry.

God’s richest blessings. Jim


What’s New?

Current resources include several very useful articles.

  1. For resources on where to find free and inexpensive professional quality pictures to use in all media-based ministries, check out the media library article.
  2. A great worship resource is a six-part series on the Majesty of Christ. Take the challenge and use this as a six-day daily personal or family devotional. Start on Monday and end on Saturday. The notice the transformation that takes place with your view of what happens during a Sunday worship service!
  3. The video on being a mature Christian is a challenge to adults of all ages, especially senior adults as we prioritize what is really important in our sanctification process. If you want a two-week study guide for small groups, contact me and I will send a free PDF file for you to copy for each participant.
  4. And, don’t forget to check out the Samarian Ministry contact. This is an amazingly affordable alternative to medical insurance. It’s worth a call to see how joining this distinctively Christian organization can help you with medical financial needs. We joined and couldn’t be more satisfied.
  5. Coming soon will be a list of Christmas books. You can purchase them for yourself, friends, or family as excellent sources for encouraging Christian growth.
  6. Right after Christmas, I will be posting an article on New Year’s Resolutions that will challenge our cultural pressure cooker to live in the extreme. Here is a great resource for developing a New Year’s Bible study or sermon. Check it out right after Christmas.
  7. Each week more resources for ministry will be posted, so make this site a stopping point on your weekly internet travels.
  8. If you are interested in using any of the resources on this site, check out the permission page. You will be amazed as to how much content is available for use (and will be in the future) for your ministry.
  9. Have any questions? Have any suggestions on the topic or resources you would like to glean from this site? Send me a quick comment and I will consider posting just what you are looking for.


In the Future …


Biblical Institute for Christian Educators

What does the future hold for this site? We hope to provide, at reasonable costs, continuing education courses in Theology, Pastoral Care, Christian Education, and Ministry Development. We will call it the Biblical Institute for Christian Educators (BICE for short). If all things go well, it will launch in late 2018. We hope to have the courses accredited and transferable for undergraduate and master’s level programs at existing Christian colleges and seminaries. Stay tuned, as it will take a while to reach this future goal, but when we do you will find affordable and solid biblical courses to help you develop and strengthen your ministry.

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