January 22, 2025
Family Devotionals: a primer
This is a three-week set of family devotions on the Lord's Prayer. With the coronavirus limiting small group meetings, now is a good time to being having family devotion.

A Time to study and pray together with spouses and children of all ages

These devotionals are the second group of three in a nine-part series designed to be used on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for three weeks. For one more week after this week on Monday, the last three devotionals will be posted for your free use.

Family Devotions on the Lord’s Prayer  Week 2

Devotional #4 (Monday)                    Is God’s Kingdom Here?                    WCF 102/113

Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:10a

The Shorter Catechism # 102 Question: “What do we pray for in the second petition?”

The Shorter Catechism # 102 Answer: “In the second petition, we pray, that Satan’s kingdom may be destroyed; and that the kingdom of grace may be advanced, ourselves and others brought into it, and kept in it; and that the kingdom of glory may be hastened.”

The Children’s Catechism #113 Answer: “That the gospel may be preached in all the world, and believed and obeyed by us and all men.”


In the Bible God’s kingdom is not limited to a place or a time period. It refers to the reign of a specific person—Jesus. Human established kingdoms only last for a time and then they crumble and don’t exist anymore. But God’s kingdom never ends. People come and go but God’s reign goes on forever because he lives forever.

In this world, there is a battle between God’s kingdom and the devil’s as to which one will influence us and those around us. It will be like this our whole lives. God calls us out of the devil’s influence and into being influenced by him. This is what it means for Jesus to be Lord. When Jesus reigns in our hearts, then God’s influence (his Holy Spirit) takes over our desires and we grow in our understanding, ability, and desires to want what God wants.

Key Verse: “God shall arise, his enemies shall be scattered; and those who hate him shall flee before him! As smoke is driven away, so you shall drive them away; as wax melts before fire, so the wicked shall perish before God! But the righteous shall be glad; they shall exult before God; they shall be jubilant with joy!” Ps 68:1-3


  • What is God’s kingdom? Is it a specific time and place, or does it relate to a ruler?
  • Who is that ruler?
  • How has God’s kingdom (reign) made a difference in the way you live?
  •  We live in a world where two kingdoms fight. How does this affect our prayers?
  • How does God influence us and how does the devil influence us?

Activity for Elementary Students:

Visual Resource: See Coloring Page

Activity for Middle and High School Students:

Make a list of the characteristics of a medieval kingdom. Now write down parallels that describe Jesus as King and his kingdom.

Closing prayer: “God, thank you for bringing us out of a kingdom of darkness and into your kingdom of light. Open our eyes to see what you are doing today and let us participate in You bringing others out of the devil’s influence and into Jesus being Lord. Protect us as we live in a world torn apart because some are loyal to themselves and Satan, while trusting You to equip them in being loyal to You. We pray this for Jesus’ glory and honor. Amen.”

Family Devotions on the Lord’s Prayer

Devotional #5 (Wednesday)               Can We Know God’s Will?                WCF # 103/ 115

Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:10b

The Shorter Catechism # 103 Question: “What do we pray for in the third petition?”

The Shorter Catechism # 103 Answer: “In the third petition we pray, that God, by his grace, would make us able and willing to know, obey, and submit to his will in all things, as the angels do in heaven.”

The Children’s Catechism #115 Answer: “That men on earth may serve God as the angels do in heaven.”


Every trouble in the world is the direct result of someone or some group of people wanting their way rather than God’s. And being selfishly wanting is how the devil urges people to fight for what they want rather than obeying what God wants. Rebellion against God never leads to joy or happiness, but to misery and disappointment.

If being selfish means wanting our own way, then what does it mean to want God’s will? The only way we can know what God desires is to be familiar with the Bible. The Bible is powerful enough to change our desires, direct our lives, and cause us to want God’s will. Anything that adds to your growth in faith, holiness, and helps you surrender your mind to God’s Word is God’s will. And anything that hinders those things isn’t God’s will.

Key Verse: “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Rom 12:1-2


  • Do you have the assurance that God will answer your prayers?       
  • What things hinder us from knowing or doing God’s will?
  • IF you don’t think God listens or cares will he still answer your prayer?
  • What is the basis for praying boldly and believing the impossible?

Activity for Elementary Students:

God’s will is like God’s plan for us and for the whole world. If you could plan a special day for you and your family, what things would you include? What would happen if it rained on your special day? Would that mess up your plans? How do you think God’s plans (His will) and our plans are different?

Video Resource: Thy will be done @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQNHKp_JPbI&feature=youtu.be

Activity for Middle and High School Students:

Answer this question. If you could do anything for God what would it be? Think big and ask God to answer this desire or to change it over time.

Closing prayer: “Lord Jesus, sometimes we feel like we don’t have the faith to believe you for big things. Forgive us and strengthen our hearts so we can pray with assurance that by grace you listen to us and care about what we go through. You are the faithful one and we are the needy ones. Have your way in our lives that Jesus’ name might be glorified and that others are drawn to you. In His name we pray. Amen.”

Family Devotions on the Lord’s Prayer

Devotional #6 (Friday)                       Can God Provide All We Need?                    WSC 104/ 117

Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:11

The Shorter Catechism # 104 Question: “What do we pray for in the fourth petition?”

The Shorter Catechism # 104 Answer:” In the fourth petition, which is, we pray, that of God’s free gift we may receive a competent portion of the good things of this life, and enjoy his blessing with them.”

The Children’s Catechism #117 Answer: “That God would give us all things needful for our bodies and souls.”


God is so powerful that he supplies us with everything we need. He provides food, clothing, a home, a job, and many other physical things. He gives us what we need; not what we always want. When Jesus taught to ask God for bread, he was really saying to ask God, who supplies all we need, for those things. So, when God supplies them, we are to be grateful to Him and not compare what we have with what others seem to possess.

Jesus also taught that this request is a daily prayer. In other words, we are to request of God that he daily provide our needs. Notice in this prayer that God cares about our bodies as well as our souls. But don’t misunderstand Jesus’ prayer. He is not saying don’t make plans, or neglect saving for expensive things, or prepare for future hard times. The point is that we are not to become anxious, thinking God has stopped caring for us. Additionally, we should have surplus funds so we are prepared to help others who were unable to plan for a future trouble.

Key Verse: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” Matt 7:7-8


  • Do you know anyone who needs your help? How can you help them?
  • How do we align God’s provisions with our efforts to provide?
  • Why is persistent in our asking, seeking, and knocking important?
  • How does it make you feel that God doesn’t ignore your physical needs?

Activity for Elementary Students:

Video Resource: Watch the music video Mt 7:7-8 @

Activity for Middle and High School Students:

Make a list of up to 10 things that anger you the most. Now see if you can determine the connection between why these things make you angry and how having faith in Jesus can replace that anger with hope.

Closing prayer: “Our gracious heavenly Father, it means a lot to us that you’re aware of our physical needs and that you have the ability to take care of every need we have. Help us not to worry about tomorrow but believe that tomorrow is in your hands. Help us also to live within our means so that we can save up for expensive things and set aside money to help others in need. Show us who you want us to help this week. For the glory of Jesus, we pray. Amen.”

The first set of devotions on the Lord’s Prayer can be found at: Family Devotions.

Picture Attribution: Holding hands by Godsgirl made @ Pixabay.com

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